Disaster and emergency preparedness for the average family.

At Suburban Survival Team we create courses and sell equipment to help the modern household prepare for, survive, and recover from modern day realistic disasters so they can get back to their lives before the unexpected happened. We do this by developing courses that are easy to understand and follow so you can learn and actually benefit from them. We test all the gear we sell and if we don’t trust it to help our family through a disaster it doesn’t make it into our gear section. Our courses are designed to help from smaller personal emergencies to bigger wide range disasters.




We offer a variety of gear to pick from. All gear is hand picked and tested by Suburban Survival Team and will help you be better prepared when you need it most.

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We offer a variety of skills you can learn and practice. These are all designed to help you be prepared before the need arises and to help you through emergencies.



This is where we discuss a wide variety of preparedness topics. Topics ranging from financial preparedness, water, food, first-aid, automotive, bug out and beyond.